a new way to diagnosis peanut allergies is FINALLY here.
Allergenis Testimonial
about allergenis
We are obsessed with knowing more.
Allergenis was founded on the belief that no one should live life without concrete answers around the decisions that are shaping their lives and the lives of those around them. Our tests are born out of an obsession to go above and beyond the highest standard in safety, quality, and accuracy to provide our families with concrete answers. Our food allergy tests are designed by experts and distilled to their simplest, purest purpose: to provide a highly accurate answer to the elephant in the room, “can an allergen trigger a life threatening reaction?” Our first test, a bead-based epitope assay (BBEA), for peanut is 93%* accurate.
* When clinically utilizing SPT and sIgE as rule in/rule out. The test has 90% concordance with OFC when sIgE is excluded.

did you know?
Allergenis has the largest repository of peanut allergy oral food challenge confirmed cases in the world. This has enabled us to create a test that is 93%* concordant to an oral food challenge.
* When clinically utilizing SPT and sIgE as rule in/rule out. The test has 90% concordance with OFC when sIgE is excluded.

the platform
Epitope mapping (also known as bead-based epitope assay BBEA) has high concordance with a double blind placebo controlled oral food challenge and has been shown to enable clear quantification providing greater sensitivity than microarray and better resolution than component resolved diagnostics for patients with food allergies.
The output is quantitatively derived from a multianalyte laboratory developed test with algorithmic analyses: by analyzing multiple epitopes, the granularity of the allergenis platform has the capability to produce a unique allergy signature for each patient.
We have found that there are epitopes that are 'active' by allergen, by levels of reactivity, and by different stages of treatment (such as during immunotherapy), which allows greater stratification of treatment for your patients.
what we are doing
Allergenis is developing precision diagnostic solutions to help healthcare providers and patients better understand and manage their food allergies. Specializing in immunology and bioinformatics, we created a highly multiplexed analytical platform to address the limitations of current food allergy diagnostic tests.

allergenis webinars
Watch a recorded webinar by one of our key experts to learn more. Check back soon we will be adding more webinars from other key opinion leaders.
developed and validated in collaboration with:
the testing
send order to our lab
collect patient blood (in office or mobile phlebotomy)
send in the sample (prepaid envelope or mobile phlebotomy sends)
review results with patient
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